The FY25 President’s Budget was released in March, along with the Congressional Justification outlining the NOAA component of that budget. The proposed budget for Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Regional Observations is $10 million, a reduction of more than 76% from fiscal year 2023 and 2024 enacted levels, and less than any funding level for the program since its inception in the 2008 federal budget.
If enacted, funding at this level would cripple the IOOS system. The Regional Associations (including AOOS), will be unable to maintain observing infrastructure, including equipment in the water, data management, and the data services out to users. We reached out to our partners for support and here are a few quotes highlighting the importance of what AOOS does:
“Together, AOOS and the MXAK ensure that mariners and users of crucial weather information have real-time access to the information. This infrastructure is difficult to build, power, and maintain given Alaska’s vast rugged coastline and lack of resources. The MXAK receives funding from no other source than AOOS for weather station development and maintenance. With the data, AOOS supports safe and efficient maritime transportation and commerce, U.S. Coast Guard search and rescue operations, offshore energy development and operations, resource management and protection, environmental prediction, and improved understanding and notification of hazards (e.g., storms and flooding).” – Chris Coutu, Marine Exchange of Alaska Assistant Director
“Support through AOOS has been essential for creating and developing industry/science/community collaboration for collection of oceanographic data for science and management of fisheries resources. Alaska Trollers Association is partnering with AOOS, SeaGrant, UAF, with support from Northern Boundary Fund of International Pacific Salmon Treaty to support research on Chinook Salmon stock assessment by collecting water column data (temperature, salinity, fluorescence) with sophisticated scientific instruments. Without AOOS support this valuable program could go away.” – Jim Moore, Alaska Troller’s Association Science Committee Chairman
“AOOS is a project partner with Kawerak, and a coalition of other organizations, developing Arctic Watch, a collaborative effort to provide a sea traffic management system in Alaska Arctic waters to make marine shipping safer for vessels, coastal communities, and wildlife. As more vessel traffic moves tlu-ough the Bering Strait, Kawerak region Tribes support the increased vessel operation safety that Arctic Watch offers. AOOS is foundational to realizing this crucial project.” – Melanie Bahnke, President of Kawerak Inc
Please contact Sheyna Wisdom at to find out how you can voice your support of AOOS.