

AOOS Inflation Reduction Act Project Kickoff 
Aug. 13 & 21, 2024
AOOS Alaska Native Organization Board Seats
Aug. 13 & 19, 2024

NOAA Cooperative Agreement

AOOS receives its core funding from five-year NOAA cooperative agreements with the national Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Program. Funds are used to complete the projects and priorities approved by the AOOS Board in consultation with our stakeholders through a variety of engagement mechanisms.

We are currently working under two NOAA cooperative agreements; #NA16NOS0120027 awarded in 2016 originally ending in 2021 and now extended to 2023, and #NA21NOS0120094 awarded in 2021 ending in 2026.

2016-2021 NA16NOS0120027

Under the 2016-2021 agreement, the original request was for $20M at $4M per year. Once the IOOS Program receives its annual funding from Congress, AOOS is notified of the amount we will actually receive for the year which is usually less than the original amount. AOOS then submits an annual proposal de-scoped to the actual amount awarded.

Semi-annual reports for each fiscal year of the cooperative agreement are submitted to NOAA in December and June. List of links to Semi-annual reports for:

2021 – 2026 NA21NOS0120094

Under the 2021-2026 agreement, the original request was for $27M at $5M per year. Once the IOOS Program receives its annual funding from Congress, AOOS is notified of the amount we will actually receive for the year which is usually less than the original amount. AOOS then submits an annual proposal de-scoped to the actual amount awarded.

Semi-annual reports for each fiscal year of the cooperative agreement are submitted to NOAA in January and July. List of links to Semi-annual reports for:



Below are three approved downloadable versions (in two color modes each) of the AOOS logo. There are two vector-based formats (AI, EPS) and two pixel-based formats (JPG, PNG). Pixel-based files are generally used for in-house applications and for situations where the logo will be viewed only on a screen or monitor. Vector-based files are generally used for print-related applications like ads, brochures, and displays. They can be scaled up or down with no loss of image quality but may not be compatible with some programs/apps. Pixel-based files are the most common formats for in-house uses and for screen display. They can be reduced in scale, but they should not be scaled up.


Color / for printing
AI (1.1 MB)
EPS (1.1 MB)

Color / for screens
JPG (781 KB)
PNG (53 KB)

Grayscale / for printing
AI (1.1 MB)
EPS (1.1 MB)

Grayscale / for screens
JPG (199 KB)
PNG (53 KB)


Color / for printing
AI (1 MB)
EPS (1.1 MB)

Color / for screens
JPG (122 KB)
PNG (31 KB)

Grayscale / for printing
AI (1 MB)
EPS (1.1 MB)

Grayscale / for screens
JPG (95 KB)
PNG (32 KB)


Color / for printing
AI (1.1 MB)
EPS (1.2 MB)

Color / for screens
JPG (232 KB)
PNG (70 KB)

Grayscale / for printing
AI (1.1 MB)
EPS (1.2 MB)

Grayscale / for screens
JPG (201 KB)
PNG (71 KB)