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Alaska trollers gather year-round data

Salmon fishermen are collecting data near fishing spots and along transit routes as part of the new Southeast Alaska Trolling Vessel Ocean Measurement program. The Alaska Trollers Association leads the project in partnership with AOOS, Alaska Sea Grant, and UAF. 

Glider update: The adventures of Shackleton and Gretel

This spring, gliders named Shackleton and Gretel traveled hundreds of miles monitoring a series of hydrographic stations known as the Seward Line in the Northern Gulf of Alaska. The autonomous underwater vehicles transmit data to the AOOS Data Portal in near-real time.

Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook

Alaska Issues » Sea Ice for Walrus OutlookSea Ice for Walrus Outlook ​Overview of SIWO The Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook...

IOOS Certification

IOOS CertificationAOOS has recently updated its Regional Coastal Ocean System (RCOS) certification application...