News Archive

Federal infrastructure funds will support Alaska ocean observing

Critical equipment monitoring Alaska’s changing ocean will soon be replaced and enhanced with funds from the recently passed Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration awarded $1.3 million in year one funds to the Alaska Ocean Observing System.

Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission Hiring

The AEWC is hiring two positions to support the Backyard Buoys project, a Program Coordinator and a Village Facilitator. Interested candidates must complete an application and submit it to the AEWC office by email at Visit the AEWC website for...

2023 Alaska Ocean Leadership Awards Now Open for Nominations

The Alaska SeaLife Center (ASLC) announces the opening of the nomination period for the 2023 Alaska Ocean Leadership Awards. ASLC established the Awards to recognize those who have made significant contributions to ocean sciences, education, and resource management in...

Field Update from ANSEP Intern working on sleeper shark research

This summer, AOOS is supporting a student from the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program to work on a sleeper shark research project under the direction of Dr. Markus Horning. Nadia Barcelona will be sending regular notes from the field. Read her field notes...

Oceanographers and Coastal Modelers Wanted

NOAA’s Center for Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) and Ocean Associates, Inc. are looking to hire 10-12 oceanographers and coastal modelers to support CO-OPS work.  Links to the job postings for the positions are below, and applicants can apply through...

2022 IOOS Caraid Award

The IOOS Association is pleased to announce that Molly McCammon of the Alaska Ocean Observing System is the 2022 recipient of the Caraid Award. Molly is receiving this award in recognition of her outstanding contributions to observing, understanding and protection of...

The Alaska SeaLife Center is Hiring!

Our business partner is advertising for a Grant Technician II or Grants & Contracts Coordinator responsible for providing administrative and analytical support for grant and other external funds awarded to the Alaska SeaLife Center and in a fiscal agent capacity...

New Mariner’s Dashboards

Check out our new Mariner’s Dashboards for Prince William Sound, Cook Inlet, and Kodiak! These dashboards were created to help provide the real-time weather and other information relevant to mariners in a simple and fast display. We started with these three regions...

Want to Work in the Carribean?

AOOS sister organization, CARICOOS, headquartered in Puerto Rico is looking to hire for two positions, Data Management Coordinator and Chemical Oceanographer.

2022 Yukon River Chinook Run Timing Forecast

Yukon River Chinook are predicted to arrive on the delta slightly earlier than average in 2022: The first significant pulse (15% point) is expected by June 10th and 50% of the run is expected to have arrived by June 18th. All three established [1] environmental...

Research Cruise Status Updates

Each spring, summer, and fall, numerous research vessels travel through Alaska and Arctic waters. IARPC, federal agencies, and the Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS) compile planned research expedition dates, planned routes, and research goals. Our hope is that...


AOOS is seeking to fill three roles within our organization: Ocean Acidification Network Coordinator; Outreach Director; Community Engagement Coordinator.

Backyard Buoys: Bringing Wave Buoys to Indigenous Communities

Indigenous communities have relied on the ocean for millennia and still do to this day. Climate change, however, is making the ocean unpredictable, and poses a new and urgent challenge. Rising temperatures and sea levels threaten coastal communities and whalers or...

Happy Retirement to former AOOS Executive Director Molly McCammon

Since 2003, Molly led AOOS from a small one-person operation to the largest purveyor of ocean observing data in the vast Alaska Region. Last year, Molly stepped down from being the full time AOOS Executive Director to become a Senior Advisor to the organization to...

IOOS Association Announces Retirement of Executive Director

The IOOS Association Board of Directors is leading a search for a new Executive Director. This is a tremendous opportunity to grow the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System.  The Executive Director position is now open. To learn more about the position...

The Alaska SeaLife Center is Hiring

ASLC is looking for a Finance Administrative Assistant to join their team. This position is responsible for providing administrative and analytical support for grant and other external funds awarded to the Alaska SeaLife Center and in a fiscal agent capacity for other...

Listening Session on Bering Strait Incident Response – 2/17 at 11am

As seasonal sea ice diminishes and vessel traffic increases, the Bering Strait region’s natural resources, habitat, and people are at greater risk from potential oil spills or other accidents. Please join us on Thursday Feb 17th at 11am to learn more about the...

US-Russia Science Corner Webinar – recording now available

Sharing About Major Fish Stocks & Commercial Fisheries Webinar Date: January 28, 2022, 9-11 am Alaska Time Watch the recorded webinar here! World Wildlife Fund and the Alaska Ocean Observing System are pleased to host the next in a series of conversations between...

Request for Proposals – Contract work

The Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS) is working with World Wildlife Fund US Arctic Program and WWF Russia to integrate Russian data and information into the AOOS Ocean Data Explorer (ODE). AOOS is making these data and information discoverable and accessible to...

2021 Post-Season Report from IARPC EICT

The Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee’s (IARPC’s) Environmental Intelligence Collaboration Team (EICT), in cooperation with the Alaska Ocean Observing System, has released the "2021 Post Season Report." This report summarizes the research and observing...

Improving Ocean Data Access for Indigenous Coastal Communities

The Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS) is collaborating with partners in the Pacific Islands, the Pacific Northwest, and Alaska to improve access to ocean data for Indigenous coastal communities through a new project funded by the National Science Foundation’s...

Nomination Period Open for 2022 Alaska Ocean Leadership Awards

The Alaska SeaLife Center is pleased to announce nominations are now open for the 2022 Alaska Ocean Leadership Awards.  These awards are given annually to individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to the awareness and sustainability...

Updated Research Cruise Status for November

AOOS and the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) have updated a spreadsheet that shows the status of 2021 Alaska Arctic Research Cruises through November 2021.