Home » Happy Retirement to former AOOS Executive Director Molly McCammon

Happy Retirement to former AOOS Executive Director Molly McCammon

Apr 19, 2022

Since 2003, Molly led AOOS from a small one-person operation to the largest purveyor of ocean observing data in the vast Alaska Region. Last year, Molly stepped down from being the full time AOOS Executive Director to become a Senior Advisor to the organization to help the transition to a new Director and to work on special projects. She now plans to spend most of her time with her first grandchild, her new puppy, and to travel.

Molly’s list of accomplishments is long. She is the founding Board Chair of the IOOS Association; past member of the National Research Council’s Polar Research Board; served on the initial Advisory Group for the National Academy of Science’s Gulf Research Program; and co-chair of the NOAA Science Advisory Board’s Ecosystem Sciences and Management Working Group. Prior to her position at AOOS, she served for 10 years as the first executive director of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council (EVOSTC), helping to develop and manage the restoration program following the 1989 oil spill. Molly is known for her inspirational, collaborative, and effective leadership of ocean observing and marine ecosystem programs.

Please help us celebrate Molly’s amazing career and to wish her well in her retirement. Top of the list of places she hopes to visit are the ecologically rich Galapagos Islands. In appreciation for her years for leadership and friendship, we, at AOOS, have established a retirement fund to support her dream. Please help celebrate Molly’s amazing career and wish her well in her retirement. Contributions can be made at this GoFundMe site .